Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Ruffian I am, keep your distance!

I'm not sure of the other possible results of this test though! If you have time to kill, do try it and let me know.


At 09 June, 2005 00:02, Blogger Random Access said...

What can be more of a contrast?

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 10 June, 2005 10:13, Blogger Nutty said...

I am Bill Clinton Dude.

At 13 June, 2005 00:05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ruffian, I am"?? Sounds like yoda dude... I wouldn't be suprised if the Bill Clnton one said "I am your father, and yours, and yours too.."

At 15 June, 2005 00:09, Blogger Anjali said...

i feel we must keep distance from bush and and blair

At 22 June, 2005 11:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Einstein, LOL, yea right! And I was Mother Teresa. Was Einstein a leader bullcrapper? Don't bother posting lies.

And what about Bush and Blair? you can find a thousand websites on the net slandering them.. check this one out http://www.changar.com/text/bushmail.html

At 24 June, 2005 15:40, Blogger Unknown said...

Haha..You're so not saddam!
Anyway, I turned out to be Abe Lincoln, all due to respect to him, I am so not Abe...I think I am more of a Saddam!


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